Five components of rectangular mica gasket assembly.
Mica-Gasket Assembly as Liquid Level Gauge Sight Glass Accessory
Mica gasket assemblies are accessories of high-temperature, high-pressure liquid level gauge sight glasses.
They are often composed of mica-gasket, rectangular / round aluminosilicate glass, alloy gasket, graphite gasket and protective belt.
Our high precise alumibosilicate glass and stable physical property of mica gasket ensures a high degree of assemblies hermeticity. The high light transmission aluminosilicate glass also ensures a clear view of liquid level gauge sight glasses.
Mica gasket assemblies are mainly used in high pressure liquid level gauge sight glasses in power plants, petrochemicals, nuclear power plants, deep sea exploration equipment and other industries.
We can supply our customers with mica gasket assemblies as well as individual aluminosilicate glass sheets.
Mica gasket assembly
Mica gasket assemblies are divided into rectangular and round types for different types of liquid level gauges.
Rectangular mica gasket assembly is composed of cushion gasket (monel alloy gasket), protective belt, glass sheet, mica gasket and graphite gasket. It is often used for transparent or bi-color level gauge.
Five components of rectangular mica gasket assembly.
Rectangular mica gasket assembly for bi-color level gauge.
Rectangular mica gasket assembly installation
Round mica gasket assembly is composed of metal o-ring, metal cushion gasket, round glass, round mica gasket, and graphite gasket. It is often used for multi-port type level gauge port kit.
Five components of round mica gasket assembly
Round mica gasket assembly for multi-port type level gauge port kit.
Round mica gasket assembly installation
Mica gasket assemblies are often used as accessories of petrochemical pipeline sight glass, high pressure liquid level gauge sight glass, high temperature and high pressure steam boiler observation hole water level gauge in thermal power plants, and high pressure steam drum level gauge.
Rectangular mica gasket assemblies are used to boiler water level observation.
Multi-port type level gauge are used to industrial pipe sight glass.
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